The Lake County Historical Society holds over 31,000 pieces in our collection. In this online portal, you will find some of our most requested archival pieces – our Genealogy Records, our photo collection, and our Cumings and Downer County Engineering Technical Drawings. If there is something you are searching for that you don't find here, or you would like to submit a research request, please call Vicki Robb, Collections Manager, at 440-639-2945 to search our full collection. You may also email her at vrobb@lakehistory.org. Please note, research fees may apply.
The Lake County Historical Society has been collecting since 1938. Its research holdings are vast and can be of great assistance to anyone doing research for a family history, a topical subject, or for collecting raw data. The LCHS holds approximately 3000 surname files or boxes in its Genealogy Room, has over 10,000 photographs that are digitized and available to view on a computer screen, has hundreds of period maps, has old telephone directories, and has a research library of reference books covering local city and township histories, Lake County histories, Ohio county histories, and many other state histories such as those of Connecticut and New York where many of the Western Reserve settlers came from. Our Collections Staff and Volunteers are happy to help you with your research project.
In order to promote the interest of the general public in the heritage of Lake County, the Lake County Historical Society desires to recognize homes in the county which are representative of the people and history of the county, such homes to be designated as Heritage Homes.
There are over 400 Heritage Homes throughout our county. We are proud to present the updated Heritage Home Story Map that guides you through photographs and history about many of the homes. It is a work in progress, but we hope to one day include information on all our Heritage Homes.