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Come find your history - at the Lake County Historical Society.
Click on event name for info and pricing
Stay tuned! We have more exciting events coming your way soon.
Keep an eye on this page for the latest information and get ready to join us for some amazing experiences!
Little Pioneer
At Lake County History Center’s Pioneer Village (Available April-October), little ones become pioneers in early the 1800's. They will go to school, do chores, meet a pioneer friend and roll a beeswax candle to take home.
Go back to the early 1800’s. Learn about school taught by rote, meet a pioneer and hear stories of how they survived and differences to what they left back east, roll a beeswax candle to take home, learn about trade in a general store, understand how seasons affected chores.
Length: 2 hours, Available Apr-Oct, $8/student, Minimum $100. Target age: K-Grade 1. Time length: 2 hours; $8/child $160/minimum.